Here you’ll find my portfolio of projects, both as part of my education and personal projects. A web app for searching, filtering and sharing information about trades reported by company insiders on Swedish stock exchanges. The project was built using React with Redux and TypeScript on the client and Node/Express/MongoDB as a backend.

Retro Desktop

Retro Desktop application A Windows 3.1 inspired SPA where you can open and move around multiple windows. Currently contains a game of Memory with a 90s PC games theme and a game of “21” (sort of like Black Jack). All written in Vanilla JS client-side, no frameworks or libraries used.

Smaller projects

Smaller projects made as part of courses or for fun. No live versions avaiable, but source code can be found in each GitHub repo.

21 Card Game

My first examination assignment learning JavaScript. A game similar to Black Jack played in the console. Repo on GitHub.

Web Component Quiz Game

A quiz game written as a Web Component Repo on GitHub.

Web scraper

A web scraper in Node Repo on GitHub.

Code Snippets

A basic CRUD web app for storing code snippets (Node / Express / MongoDB). Repo on GitHub.

Realtime Issues

Full stack app (Node, jQuery) using webhooks, websocket and OAuth to see issue updates for your GitHub repos in realtime. Repo on GitHub.

Statistics in C#

My first foray into C# as part of a course in object-oriented programming. Repo on GitHub.

Classic shapes in C#

An examination assignment for handling inheritance in C#. Repo on GitHub.

21 game in C#

A C# console implementation of the card game 21. Repo on GitHub.


An examination assignment in software quality, implementing the MVC pattern in PHP. Repo on GitHub.


An examination assignment for writing a RESTful API using best practices. (Node / Express). Repo on GitHub.

Web of Things

A full-stack web app implementing a Web of Things architectureusing a Raspberry Pi as an API server for accessing sensor data and sending messages to a LED board. (Node, React and a dash of Python). Repo on GitHub.