Gislövs Läge in Skåne

Here you'll find all my blog posts about developing this site in Jekyll.


  • Setting up my Music page

    I’ve been wanting to put some of my music somewhere for a while, but it feels boring to just put it on SoundCloud and hope that someone listens. So I got an idea when reading the Jekyll documentation about data files - to just generate a page with some of my tracks using a csv-file as a data source with the title, year, and a link to SoundCloud. And why not embed the SoundCloud player automatically as well? It was really quite simple using Jekyll. Read more...

  • Implementing comments using Disqus

    Implementing Disqus on this site was probably the easiest part so far.. I simply created a Disqus account and created a site in the admin panel. Then I just followed the instructions in the Minima Readme and modified _config.yml by including the lines: Read more...

  • Static site generators

    I’ve played around with Wordpress in my days - for instance I’m responsible for our tenant’s association website built on Wordpress. I also did some basic web stuff in the late 90s for my father’s company website (now long gone, but it was based on frames, which was the style at the time). Back in the 90s, I sort of knew what I was doing. In Wordpress, I have just edited stuff and downloaded plugins for everything that needs to be tweaked, without really understanding how everything really works. Read more...

  • Using robots.txt

    The file robots.txt can be used to guide crawlers (robots) on how to access a website. Like us humans, robots can be good or evil (or a little bit of both). Good robots try to help internet users find your site and get quick access to relevant information through search engines. Evil robots might try to find e-mail addresses to add to their ever-expanding spam databases. The file robots.txt can be used to keep selected files and folders on the server private from robots like Google if you don’t want people to be able to google your site. However, evil robots aren’t particularly respectful and will probably just ignore robots.txt like my 1-year-old ignores my disallow commands for accessing my computer keyboard… Read more...

  • Open Graph and Image front matter

    The Open Graph Protocol was invented by Facebook to enable developers to integrate their pages into Facebook’s Social Graph and since then it’s become a standard for “rich” links that display more than just a link. In our course we use Slack, and when pasting links from pages that support Open Graph into slack, you don’t just get the url - you see the page title, an image, a snippet of content etc. The benefit to the user is that I instantly know if the link is relevant without having to click it. The benefit to the developer/publisher is that it probably draws more clicks than a simple URL if the content looks interesting. Read more...

  • Using humans.txt

    I like the idea of humans.txt as a way to signal that the web is built by humans for humans, and that authors, designers, coders etc should get credit for published work even if they don’t get a byline or any “official” credit on the site. Read more...

  • Using Sass

    So, this is the first time I’ve tried using a CSS preprocessor, in this case Sass. Compared to good ol’ plain CSS, it takes some getting used to, but one thing I immediately liked was defining some base variables for font-family and colors. I created a site using just HTML and CSS for a previous course and my basic idea was copying the overall feel of that site and modifying the minima template accordingly. I have to say it was much quicker than I thought once I figured out how everything works… I first started out modifying the partials in the _sass directory, but then I realized it was smarter to follow the instructions in the minima template readme and just add my custom scss to the main.scss file to override the default CSS. This keeps everything in one place and makes sure that I can easily keep my preferred site design while still being able to use future versions of minima. Read more...

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